iOS 개발자/iOS Stanford Univ

[iOS 스탠포드] Assignment 1 : Concentration

FDEE 2021. 7. 5. 23:58

Required Tasks

1. Get the Concentration game working as demonstrated in lectures 1 and 2. Type in all the code. Do not copy/paste from anywhere.

- 새롭게 제작


2. Add more cards to the game.

- 4*4 배열인 16개의 카드로 수정


3. Add a “New Game” button to your UI which ends the current game in progress and begins a brand new game.

- 버튼 생성 및 IBAction 연결 코드

@IBAction func newGame(_ sender: UIButton) {
    emojiChoices[game.theme!] += removedEmojis
    removedEmojis = []
    game.flipCount = 0
    flipCountLabel.text = "Flips: \(game.flipCount)"
    game = Assign1_Concentration(numberOfPairsOfCards: (cardButtons.count+1)/2)


4. Currently the cards in the Model are not randomized (that’s why matching cards end up always in the same place in our UI). Shuffle the cards in Concentration’s init() method.

- init 메소드 내에서 shuffle() 함수를 통해 랜덤배치

init(numberOfPairsOfCards: Int) {
    // TODO: Shuffle the cards


5. Give your game the concept of a “theme”. A theme determines the set of emoji from which cards are chosen. All emoji in a given theme are related by that theme. See the Hints for example themes. Your game should have at least 6 different themes and should choose a random theme each time a new game starts.


6. Your architecture must make it possible to add a new theme in a single line of code.

-  emojiChoices 1차원 배열 -> 2차원 배열로 수정, 1차원 인덱스별로 테마 구현

var emojiChoices: [[String]] =
    [["🐼", "🐔", "🦄", "🐶", "🐯", "🐤", "🐸", "🐷"],
     ["⚽️", "🏀", "🏈", "⚾️", "🥎", "🎾", "🏐", "🏉"],
     ["😀", "😇", "😎", "😍", "😡", "😱", "🥶", "😈"],
     ["👍", "👎", "👉", "👈", "💪", "👏", "👋", "👊"],
     ["🍏", "🍎", "🍊", "🍉", "🍌", "🥝", "🌽", "🍇"],
     ["🍔", "🍙", "🍗", "🍕", "🍟", "🥪", "🍱", "🍣"]]

- 게임 시작시 theme 랜덤지정(0~5 인덱스)

init(numberOfPairsOfCards: Int) {
    // TODO: set Theme
    theme = Int(arc4random_uniform(6))

- theme 인덱스 지정 후 카드 추가, 재시작시 제거된 이모티콘 사용을 위한 배열 추가생성

var removedEmojis : [String] = []
func emoji(for card: Assign1_Card) -> String {
    if(emoji[card.identifier] == nil), emojiChoices[game.theme!].count > 0 {
        let randomIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(emojiChoices[game.theme!].count)))
        emoji[card.identifier] = emojiChoices[game.theme!].remove(at: randomIndex)
    return emoji[card.identifier] ?? "?"


7. Add a game score label to your UI. Score the game by giving 2 points for every match and penalizing 1 point for every previously seen card that is involved in a mismatch.

- ScoreCountLebel 생성, 연결

@IBOutlet var scoreCountLabel: UILabel!

- struct Card 내에 뒤집혔는지 여부인 isFliped 변수 추가

struct Assign1_Card {
    var isFaceUp = false
    var isMatched = false
    var identifier: Int
    var isFliped = false

- Concentration(ViewMode) 내에 변수 scoreCount 추가

- 카드 두장이 뒤집힌 상태에서 상태에 따라 점수 조절 (matched : +2)(isFliped 카드 각각 : -1)

class Assign1_Concentration
    var scoreCount = 0
    var indexOfOneAndOnlyFaceUpCard: Int?
    func chooseCard(at index: Int) {
        if !cards[index].isMatched {
            if let matchIndex = indexOfOneAndOnlyFaceUpCard, matchIndex != index {
                // check if cards match
                if cards[matchIndex].identifier == cards[index].identifier {
                    cards[matchIndex].isMatched = true
                    cards[index].isMatched = true
                    scoreCount += 2
                cards[index].isFaceUp = true
                indexOfOneAndOnlyFaceUpCard = nil
                if(cards[index].isMatched == false) {
                    if(cards[matchIndex].isFliped == true) { scoreCount -= 1 }
                    if(cards[index].isFliped == true) { scoreCount -= 1 }
                cards[matchIndex].isFliped = true
                cards[index].isFliped = true
            } else {
                // either no cards or 2 cards are face up
                for flipDownIndex in cards.indices {
                    cards[flipDownIndex].isFaceUp = false
                cards[index].isFaceUp = true
                indexOfOneAndOnlyFaceUpCard = index


8. Tracking the flip count almost certainly does not belong in your Controller in a proper MVC architecture. Fix that.

- Concentration(ViewMode) 내에 변수 flipCount 이동

class Assign1_Concentration
    var flipCount = 0
    func updateFlipCount() {
        self.flipCount += 1

- ViewController 에서 updateFlipCount() 메소드를 통해 증가

@IBAction func touchCard(_ sender: UIButton) {

func updateViewFromModel() {
    flipCountLabel.text = "Flips: \(game.flipCount)"
    scoreCountLabel.text = "Score: \(game.scoreCount)"


9. All new UI you add should be nicely laid out and look good in portrait mode on an iPhone X.

- iPhone 12에 잘 나오도록 설정


최종 구현 영상



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